Welcome to my pregnancy blog! I've heard some women tend to forget things, or miss out on what they're going through now, so I'm using my normal blog as my pregnancy journal. Thank you for joining me on this journey with my twins!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Beginnings

While not my first post, it may as well seem like it. I'd had this blog back in '07, and here we are three years later. Things have changed since then, and when I read my old posts it brought back memories, and made me so happy that I am no longer in that stage of my life. Every post was full of self loathing and pain. And comments from the one I thought I'd loved that I can now see for what they truly were - vicious manipulation of a man child who wanted a mommy instead of a girlfriend. Again, so glad I'm not there anymore.

My life is wonderful. I love my husband, the one perfect person that God made for me. I have never in my life felt as completely and unconditionally loved as I have with him. Ben has shown me what True Love is. He is my knight in shining armor, my prince, my soulmate. And no one could hope for more than I have with him.

I only hope he can fully appreciate the way I feel for him. I know sometimes I get caught up with what I want in the future. A house, dogs, babies. But right now is so amazingly perfect. I think reading my old blog really helped to show me that. I have come so far, from a world of turmoil and hurt to this beautiful home of pure love. Ben, my other half, my perfect mate, you are the most wonderful person I have ever known and I am so very blessed to be you wife. 5 months, one week, and counting. <3 I adore you.

Currently I have my baby girl lying on my left arm, purring contentedly. Makes things a little hard to type, but since Little Miss has been not so cuddly as of late, I'm taking it! Eponine is a wonderful addition to our family. The cutest little baby face hiding the psycho child within. Crazier than Belkar, she is. And while she may not be as fluffy as Remy, she gives him a run for his money in the cute department. (Though Mems has been acting like a little Mr. Cutie Face lately) We've had our baby girl for a month and a half now. And she fit in perfectly from day one.

I love my family. My husband, my three sweet kitties, and everyone else who's now mixed in from my side and his. For years I dreamed of this - this perfect union. Sometimes it takes my breath away to know that I finally have it.

I love my life.

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