Welcome to my pregnancy blog! I've heard some women tend to forget things, or miss out on what they're going through now, so I'm using my normal blog as my pregnancy journal. Thank you for joining me on this journey with my twins!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thirteen Weeks One Day/Two Peaches

I'm so upset with myself that I missed last week. There were a few days when I kept saying "I should post today." But then I would get distracted, and it never happened. So I missed a fruit-stage of development. :( No record of my two plums.

I'm super excited for this week, though. Today is officially the first day of my second trimester!! Things should start calming down in the side-effects department (if I'm lucky). I'm hoping the morning sickness dwindles. It's not fun to feel ill after every meal. :/ But Ben and I went to get some more preggie pops, as I'd run out. So at least I should be somewhat ok if I'm one of the women who's sick all pregnancy long.

Speaking of sick, I've got some sort of chest cold. Coughing fits (that nearly bring about vomiting...ick), sore throat, stuffy nose. It's changing my voice and I sound really funny. I say masculine, Ben says "Phoebe's sexy sick voice." lol. It's difficult to talk, especially in the morning. Sometimes when I just wake up all I can make are squeaks. The worst part is that I can't take anything for it. There are conflicting reports on the internet about cough drops, so I'm staying away from them. All I'm doing is drinking tea (or orange juice), using VapoRub (which my wonderful husband walked to the store yesterday to buy for me), and trying to stick to non-hurtful foods. Donna is coming by today with her homemade chicken soup and I am soooo excited for it. I haven't had any in a while. The sweetest part is, she hadn't made it for her and Dad so she had leftovers - she made it special for me and Ben when she found out yesterday that I wasn't feeling well. She says it will be the babies' first taste of grandma's soup. ^_^ I had been wanting soup, but I read that I can't have soup from a can. So I was really clueless as to what to do (since I wasn't feeling up to making any myself, and Ben has no clue on how to make it.) Donna's making some for us is such a blessing!

Ok, back to babies. ^_^ I've looked at a couple pictures, and they're starting to look like real babies now! As compared to the abnormally-big-head stages. Tomorrow I have another appointment with my doctor, and I can't wait to see how they're doing. I'm hoping to hear heartbeats this time!! I know I'm going to cry. I nearly did just seeing the little flickers on the screen the past few times. I so can't wait! I love taking home pictures to share with Ben and others. He gets so cute when he talks about them. We've come up with nicknames for them (other than Thing 1 and Thing 2 with me being Mama Cat in the Hat...) since I thought the others sounded mean before the explanation of where the names were from. (Plus I just didn't want numbers in there...) So now we have Nemo and Nudge. Nemo because they've got to.... just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin, swim swim... lol. And Nudge since they're both going to be my little Nudgers. I can't wait to feel them moving!

This Friday is my birthday. I think this is the most excited I've ever been for a birthday. Not because of getting presents, but because it very well may be my only pregnant birthday. Every holiday seems just a little sweeter now. :) Even though I was sweltering, the Fourth of July was a happy experience for me. I look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Tom and Jamie's wedding ... I'm hoping to be somewhat big by then, so I can be the "Lauren" of their wedding (Lauren was preggers at mine. ^_^). Even Halloween seems exciting this year. I guess I'm just too happy - everything has this sort of glow about it in my mind. I can't even imagine what our first anniversary is going to be like!!

Donna actually stopped by in the middle of my writing. I only mention it because she said it's the first time I look pregnant. That made my day! ^_^

We should be moving soon. I can't wait to paint the babies' room. I've been thinking about doing murals on the walls. I know of at least one very talented artist who I'm sure would be thrilled to help out. ;) One of the biggest pluses of moving is that we can finally invite people over. I feel awful that I haven't gotten to see much of my friends. But I really can't have anyone over here, and I'm not about to invite myself to their homes! I'm really looking forward to having another couple over for dinner and playing that Spouse-ology game we got at the marriage conference.

So many changes going on in my life. And all of them are positive. Really, how many more blessings could God possibly bestow?

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